
Friday, May 13, 2011

Parent Orientation/Back to School

My school has always done Parent Orientation at the beginning of the school year. We go over our home/school contract, rules, procedures, etc. This year we will be doing Back to School. Which in reality is not much different.

In all the years I've been teaching, I've always given my parents a Parent Packet. I've included our class schedule, homework tips, spelling ideas, etc anything I think will help parents help their children at home. What do you give your parents?


  1. For our open house, I have a Powerpoint and packet outlining how to use our class website (a blog, of course!). Most of my class information is there and it has a lot of resources for the kids...I'm trying to revamp it and make it even more visual for my ELL families. Don't you just love thinking about a new year?!

    And...stop by my blog when you have a moment, I want to show you something ;)

  2. In the spring, when we meet our new classes, I send home a brochure with a welcome note, supply request, description of the curriculum and activities, and summer activity suggestions. This year my whole first grade team is using the same brochure, designed by me.

    In the fall, my packet is more comprehensive and detailed. I send it home on the first day. At Back-to-School night I do a PowerPoint (going to try to jazz things up by doing a Prezi next year).

    The information included in my class handbook covers curriculum, homework, management, snacks, birthdays, seasonal/holiday celebrations, communication, daily schedule, and important dates during the school year. I am thinking of trying to make this into one of those colorful, "stepped" flipbooks (hopefully you know what I mean) if I can figure out the logistics.
