
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Data Binders

There are many of you blogging friends who have shared your data binders. To tell you the truth I have been doing them as well, but didn't really have a "name" for it. I have 1 BIG binder with 20 tabs. So here is what you'll find in my "data binder."

1. Sight Word List Click here to download

2. Sight Word Test Click here to download 

3. MacMillan Treasure fluency assessments (sorry can't share as I did not create)

4. Saxon Math Recording Sheet (sorry can't share as I did not create)

This is what I've been keeping in my binder for the past 5-6 years or longer. I am hoping you can share what you put in yours. Looking for new ideas for next year!


  1. Funny, we had our data chat today with our principal. I will definitely be adding these to our items! Thank you so much.


  2. THANK YOU for the sight word test materials! I also use Treasures and these are great! :)

    In my language arts data binder I have the Treasures fluency tests, the Treasures benchmark book running records sheets, any other Treasures assessments I felt a student needed (phonemic awareness, sight word fluency, etc.), the DIBELS fluency test we were forced to give at mid-year thanks to our legislature, the data sheets from Progress Reporter that are churned out after the unit tests, my already-taught guided reading lessons (a little grid I do each week with all my groups on it), a chart with everyone's writing assessment scores (done three times yearly), and anecdotal notes (on stickies stuck onto each kid's divider in the binder). WHEW, seems like a lot!
