
Saturday, March 16, 2013

2nd Grade!!!!!

So I recently found out I will be teaching 2nd grade next school year! Say what!?!?! I have been a first grade teacher for 11 years. That's ALL I know and absolutely LOVE it. But I think it is time for change. New curriculum and new team. I am so NERVOUS but also super EXCITED! My brain is already going crazy and the OCD in me wants to start prepping for next year. CRAZY, I know! I still have to finish this year. And to top it all off, I will be moving schools. Well, our school is technically two schools on 1 campus. We are year round, but will become traditional. So K-2 finally found a new campus. It is currently being built and hopefully will be done in August/early September. So I need to pack, finish the year, do report cards, CUMS, and prep for a new grade!