
Friday, June 3, 2011

The Monster!

About a year ago, the desk apprentice was a hot topic on ProTeacher. Everyone was getting them....well I fell in that trap! UGH! It is huge (that is why a teacher friend and I call it the monster). It sat on my desk for a while but I kept throwing junk in it. For most of the year it was hiding in the top shelf of a closet. I REALLY want to be able to put it to good use. Any one out there have any ideas???? Any one has one and found a good way to use it?? NEED HELP....THANKS!!!


  1. It could be used as your guided reading organizer. You could put your leveled readers in the side pockets for each group. Comprehension task cards, card games, phonics cards, etc. could go in the middle. I actually kinda want one for guided reading you think that would work?

    Crazy for First Grade

  2. I was so tempted to get one, but the size did scare me. What about using it in your writing center? I think it would be great for a paraprofessional, kind of like a mini-desk, different group work in each area. Good luck! :)

  3. Mrs. Patton has one that she loves, check out that link.

  4. I actually got mine because of Mrs. Patton! I saw it on her blog, it sure is a monster but I use it to keep files that I need regularly ...

  5. Haha... never thought of it as a monster, but it is big! Yes, I made a post about it and it looks like the ladies got to post the link before me! I just put it on my kidney table and use it for all the things I want at my fingertips :)

    Colleen Patton
    Mrs. Patton’s Patch

  6. lol!! I very nearly bought one for the same reason (on Proteacher)! I really had to talk myself out of it because I had already bought so much that summer. I'm sure you will find a great way to use it :)

  7. I had mine for two years before discovering its best purpose for me! I use it at my small group instruction table. It has four hanging files (red, yellow, green, and blue) in the middle in which I keep current materials for the whole week for each small group. Any activities, plus all leveled books I will introduce for the week go in each group's file. I keep assessment materials in the outer big slots, and scissors, dry-erase markers, pencils, erasers, highlighters, pointers, and glue in the corner pockets. It's an all in one small group prep station that is current. What do you think? Would this work for you? I love it! It sits on the end of my horseshoe table, but it can be moved down to the floor under the table for activities that require lots of elbow space.

  8. Hmm! I am torn to use it as for a writing center or guided reading. But I think Maggie sold me on using it for small group/guided reading. Thank you all for your input. I am currently on break so it will be a few weeks before I get into my classroom to get this "monster" ready for the new school year!!!

  9. Ok I think I might have to get one for my guided reading groups as well now! Check out how I currently use mine daily. I can't live without it now!
    Mel D

    Oh the Places We’ll Go

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