
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Daily 5

How many of you use the Daily 5 in your classrooms? I've been wanting to try it for the past 2 years. I started reading the book, but never finished...ugh! I am hoping that when I am off in 3 weeks, I will finish it and be ready to implement it for the next school year.

So those of you who use it, what do you recommend? Anything you would do differently? Any advice for first graders? Did you introduce one thing a day or all five at once? I think this is my biggest concern...How long it's going to take to get them all on a routine.

I have found a few websites with great Daily 5 printables. Mrs. Meacham has a lot of awesome resources. You should check her out.

I am excited to try this out as I have heard SO many great things about it. Plus I really want to focus more on intervention next year. This will really give me that opportunity to work one on one and in small group.

Can't wait to hear from ALL of you!


  1. LOVE IT! I will be posting at some point this week about Daily 5 in my classroom with pictures and documents.

  2. I've used it for 3 years and I love it! To answer your questions, the sisters have an implementation guide in the back on how to get started. Our whole building does it, so the kids come from K with a great background of D5. I introduce one center at a time (starting the 2nd day of school) and spend a couple days building stamina before starting the next one. I use the stamina graphs on Mrs. Meacham's site, which are very motivational for the kiddos. I encourage you to try it next year, it's been a lifesaver not having so many centers that have to be changed constantly.

  3. I have it on my "To Be Read" pile for the summer. I have heard so much about it and am very curious.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  4. I've done it for 2 years. While I love it, I still feel like I don't completely have the hang of it. I think you have to make it your own--particularly when it comes to how the kids are assigned to/pick which of the Daily 5 they are doing at a particular time. Mine has sort of morphed into my old rotation style, but the rotations are all components of Daily 5 instead of centers, seat work, etc.

    I also love the CAFE book! It has a lot more meat to it in my opinion. It's like the CAFE is how to teach reading, and Daily 5 is what the other kids are doing while you're working on parts of the CAFE. In 1st grade, I focus on Comprehension and Accuracy strategies the most. Just jump in with both feet and do it!

  5. I have used Daily 5 and CAFE for the last few years and LOVE it! I follow the sisters example and roll each daily out slowly. It is hard not to rush it but the see the results that last the whole year! People are always amazed how on task and self-sufficient my students are. I only have 2 rounds a day due to our shorter day so my students are required to hit all 5 choices at least once during the week. I'd be happy to talk D5 with you anytime!

  6. Yay...thank you ladies for your feed.
    @ Ms. Durning-can't wait to see your post.

    @ Jenn-when I finish the book, I'll be sure to ask away! =) Thanks!

  7. What the Teacher Wants has a great conversation going on it on FB. You might want to find it. There were 32 comments at last checking.

  8. I am with you! We have a workshop time in my classroom with tons of literacy centers, etc...and I'm THINKING that's the same idea...but "Google Daily 5" is on my summer to-do list. Glad to know I'm not the only one! ;)

    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

  9. You will love it, I have done it with 1st, 4th bi-lingual, 2nd and now 3rd....honestly during the first month I LOSE my mind because I feel it goes so slow, but follow their plan, train your kids and it will be so worth it....I can do small groups, one-on-one and writer's workshop conferences and my students are always on task! I have been evaluated during Daily Five and my principal loved it and my students so much, the district people and ESE people were invited to come to observe. Now with the end of the year so close, my kids are so good...but I do things a little more "fun" now that the FCAT is over....for example Word Work is more of an art center two days a week! Take the time to read the books again and check out Ms. Durning's conversations right is worth it, not just for you...but for the kids! :)

  10. Read the book beginning to end. It tells you how to set it up. Love the structure it provides to incorporate comprehension skills and practice time reading as well as conferring time.

  11. Love it!! I've been doing some variation of D5 for the past 4 years. I wouldn't stress about how long it takes to get the routines down. I've found that having clear routines and expectations really cuts down on the behavior problems in class. The D5 really takes things one step at a time and models correct specific expectations. I usually go back 2-4 times a year and review. I'm heading to training this summer in Ypsilanti MI. I'm soooo excited!! I see great results with this reading time structure and my kids always love it!! I'm amazed every year at how much reading stamina they build so quickly.
    I have pictures of my book bags so hop on over and take a peek!! I use bags hanging from hooks instead of boxes. The bags hang from the side of the desks and don't take up precious space.
    I do have a pensive and I made one for everyone in my grade level last year.
    Good luck!! You are going to love it!!

    Thoughts of a Third Grade Teacher

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