
Friday, March 11, 2011

Classroom Photos Linky Party

Hey All,

I thought it would be fun to share our classroom photos.  To join this Linky Party, just post a pic or more of your classroom and tell about them. I work at a charter school that is currently year round. We have a modified concept 6 calendar which means I am on 2 months and off 1. Every time I go "off-track" I have to clean up my room so that the teacher coming in can set it the way she wants to. This mean that my room hardly ever looks the SAME. Here are a few pictures what my rooms have looked like....

This was my door on the first day of school. Every time I go back "on track" I make a new door display. 

This is our meeting/calendar area. I use Saxon math. 
On the bottom left side you can see a blue basket. The basket is full of puppets and stuffed animals. The kids use them as reading buddies. 
The long blue chart you see on the board is where I keep table points. The little red thing underneath holds the circle did-cuts. I got it at the Dollar Tree. I love it because it is magnetic. They had two different sizes. I use them for lots of stuff.  

These are SOME of my personal books I use as our classroom library. If you notice, there is a green bucket on the shelf. I incorporate "Have You Filled a Bucket Today" as part of my management in addition to the clip chart you see on the right. The kids get a fuzzy when every one is on green at the end of the day. When the bucket is full they will get the surprise inside the bag.
I use my closet doors as our word wall. We only put up MacMillan Treasure's high frequency words. Each unit is a different color.
I try to do a read aloud everyday. Then the following day the students vote whether or not they would recommend it to a friend.
Here is a picture of my teacher station. It has a document camera that projects to a BIG screen. I also have a laser printer, DVD player, VHS player, and my laptop also projects to the screen. I just love it!

Here are 3 of the 7 iMacs we have in our classroom. The kids use them daily for iStation (RTI program), starfall, and other programs. 

Please share pictures of your wonderful classrooms. Can't wait to see them!

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  1. This is perfect because I already have posted about my classroom. :) Thanks for the opportunity to link up.

    Ms. M

  2. this is fun! i love seeing other teacher's classrooms! I will go post about mine now :)

  3. Great idea! I just posted mine...

    Colleen Patton

  4. What a great idea! I am going to get right on this!



  5. Thanks for starting the party! It's so great to see how different rooms are set up: I especially like your color chart with words on it. I use faces, but I think next year I will add words to mine as well. Thanks again!

  6. Thanks to every one who has joined in the fun so far! It has been so fun to look at all your classrooms. I go back and look at the ones I've seen before and every time I find something new I like!

    Mrs. Ibarra
    Always First Grade

  7. Wish I had seen this last night, I would have taken more pictures today! ;) I'll have to blog about it tomorrow.

  8. I posted new photos so you can see our morning calendar routine. Hope this helps! Sorry that one wouldn't open!

  9. WOW! You have 7 iMacs.... I have 2 very old Macs in my classroom. And I am not in a "poor" area. ...actually very middle class. And we are just starting to get technology items with our new principal!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! I am almost done with California Treasures Poetry Schedule. What story are you on???


  10. I posted pics of my classroom just a little too late! Oh well!
    I love seeing all the pics!!


    Thoughts of a Third Grade Teacher
